My Five Favorite Paris Movies

I've been a Francophile for quite a long time, long before I visited Paris for the first time in 2010. Mostly, maybe, because of all the Paris-set movies I've loved. Here are my all-time favorites and links to watch clips or trailers.

So obvious, but I really, truly, madly loved Paris after seeing this movie. And the film is legitimately in my top 3 all-time favorites and I still watch it annually. I love the Amelie character, the whimsical story, the beautiful cinematography, and filters. It's art. Sometimes I trick myself into thinking I know French because I can follow along without reading the subtitles. Watch the trailer then go find this movie and enjoy.
Creme Brulee Anyone?
French Kiss
I took my VHS copy of this movie to college and watched it on rainy days in my first apartment. It was required for my sanity. I love this movie so much I don't even know where to start the praise. Meg Ryan in all her most adorableness. Kevin Klien as the good-at-heart thief with a charming French accent. Lines I still repeat on a daily basis. "I will triumph!" "No Bob, like Bob Dylan." "Oh, Bob." "Oui, Bob." "Beautiful, gorgeous, wish you were here!" Completely bewitched by the whole thing. When, oh when will it be available on Netflix?! Watch the trailer.

I Was Completely Obsessed With Her Wardrobe.
I'd Wear White Blouse, Sweater Vest and Peacoat To This Day!
The Bourne Identity
A movie I have watched many times, as well. It's my favorite of the Bourne series and probably of all the action movies ever. I was in awe of his beautiful Parisian apartment and the sweet car chase scene through Paris. And how excited was I to be on the Pont Neuf at noon on my first trip to Paris! "My French sucks!" "It says I'm a killer, Marie." Oh, I love it. Watch my favorite scene.

Jason and Marie and That Red Car
The Truth About Charlie
For whatever reason, this movie always felt very "French" to me. It's got some off-kilter camera work and fuzzy filters at play. And it's a little kitschy with a few twists. I was sad about the destruction of Regina's Parisian apartment because it looked so posh and lovely. And Mark Walberg's character is so charming and sweet. (He's shirtless for about 30 seconds, don't blink!) It's an update to an Audrey Hepburn movie, but I think I like this one better. Watch the trailer.

Yup, That's Thandie Newton and She's Gorgeous
Before Sunset
After seeing Before Sunrise we all wanted to take European backpack trips to meet Ethan Hawke (still gorgeous) on the train and enjoy a perfect day in Vienna. But then Before Sunset came out and I liked it so much more. Celine and Jesse are older, wiser and maybe a bit more appealing than optimistic 23-year-olds. And they spend a very memorable afternoon chatting in Paris. But the last scene in Celine's apartment is my absolute favorite. The song, the continued "you're going to miss your flight" and the pouting. I. just. can't. even. So charming! Watch the trailer.

Sunset on the Seine

A few honorable mentions:

Funny Face - but NOT for the dumb love story but the scene when Audrey Hepburn is walking down the steps in the Louvre in front of Winged Victory with the red scarf ... burned into my brain. Amazing. Watch the clip ... Paris montage start at 7:32 and stairs are at 8:22. "Take the picture, take the picture!"

"I Can't Stop, Take the Picture."
Casablanca - a classic, of course, and Ilsa and Rick sure have fun in Paris. After seeing it I aspired to drink a glass of Champagne in Paris! Watch the clip.

Marie Antoinette - mostly in Versailles, so not technically Paris, it does provide some fun French history lessons, no? And I love the costumes and punk music. Watch the trailer.

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