Holiday Shopping List - 2017

I love all the round-ups bloggers and websites do about the things they are shopping for this holiday season, so I thought I'd make my own.

Picture Gifts - For Fans of Your Instagram Feed
The Young House Love folks just mentioned this amazing daily photo calendar from the nice folks at Social Print Studio on their podcast and I had to share it. I've been using this small business studio for years to print out my Instagram masterpieces and this year I had a poster printed for David's birthday to decorate our apartment in Paris. Instagram prints are great to print out because you've already edited them, picked them as favorites (because you shared them) and are a pretty little square.

Gilmore Girls Again - For Late Fans
For whatever reason, this was the year two of my sisters decided to get on the Gilmore Girls bandwagon and binge all the shows. Years late to the party, girls, but I'm cheering you on. I watched it religiously (except for that last season, let's not discuss) when it originally aired but my sisters were naysayers. Then, this year, they're texting me about Rory and Dean ... then Rory and Jess. Then Logan. And what happens to Luke? And I'm just here nodding my head knowingly. So, in honor of these new-found Stars Hollow follower, I found this Etsy shop with a bunch of Gilmore Girl fan items like shirts, totes and, of course, coffee mugs. But seriously, Team Jess or Team Logan?

Teepees - For Special Kiddos 
Kids just naturally love their own spaces and these teepees with their fun fabric patterns are so cute! I'm a fan of all the imaginative play they create. And offer cool places to chill or read. We have a tent upstairs and the kids always make it into all different kinds of spaces: art studio, an office, a detective agency and a house for dolls. Because it was so popular, I picked up a teepee from Target (on clearance) and we'll bring it to Paris. With a few pillows and some imagination, it's the perfect little space in a city apartment. And a happy reminder of home. 

Throw Blankets - For Lovers of Sofa Snuggling
For about three years, I gifted myself with one of these holiday themed-throws each year (once they went on sale, of course). I now have three and I really love them. They're an ideal sofa size and they start kind of chilly but get really warm with some body heat. I love that. I've used them on my bed a time or two, too. I know they're not the faux fur and lux sheepskin that's been everywhere this season, but I enjoy the look of these much better. Here are this season's throws from Garnet Hill and The Company Store. I recommend either brand, just find a pattern you enjoy.

Happy Holidays!

Related posts:
All the Holidays posts
More fun Shopping lists


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