The Need for Scooters - Paris Friday Update

With the house packed up and half-gone, my week was spent finalizing paperwork for school, the temporary apartment and the shipping company. So far, so good. I also had a bunch of errands to run to pick up perscription refills and Leah's orthodontist file. She'll need braces in Paris. And cleaning/organizing what's left in the house.

We also celebrated Hanukkah and got ready for our Christmas trip to Orlando, which will provide some much needed distance from all this madness for awhile and recharge our batteries for what's to come once we get on that Paris-bound flight. Less than two weeks away!

Scooters for Everyone
When visiting school options in October, here's what we saw ...

... scooter parking! Apparently, it's the best way to travel the neighborhoods around the 16th.

We saw a scooters in a Parisian toy store and they were pricey, so I came home and started a search on Amazon. I looked for scooters that were inexpesive (it's a city and things will get stolen), adjustable height handle bars, fold-able for easy storage, lightweight and not too flashy -- again, so it doesn't get stolen.

So for Hanukkah this year, the girls opened (before the movers arrived, so early) their very own scooters. They tested them out around the house and are excited to use them, especially for Leah's 20-minute walk to school.

Here's what we got:

This one with the light-up board was Alice's clear favorite. In her favorite color and with a little glam, just perfect for her. The smaller wheels are easier to maneuver, too.

Leah wanted one that looked a bit more "grown up" and she loved the big wheels on this one. She got it in red, not pink. And, look, it has a kickstand!

I also got a third one for the adults! We'll be accompanying them to school, so instead of jogging behind them, I found this retro-looking scooter with this neat wood board. Once we opened it, I wish the board was a little longer, so I can have a little passenger, but, it's still pretty sweet.

Related posts: 

The Paris Move
Past Paris Friday Updates


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