It's Moving Day!!

Well, not moving day for us, just all our STUFF! After weeks and weeks of planning and strategizing and the last-minute apartment find and everything ... it's time. The movers are here packing up all our stuff for their journey across the ocean. Some will go via plane and the larger things will go via sea.
Just One of the Piles of Stuff!

We wanted to get this pack-up started as early as we could manage it, so it all got a head start to our final destination in France. Sea can take up to two months to arrive. While air is pretty fast, at about 2 weeks. But that's all pending the holiday schedules, delays, paperwork and customs.

And because we're not taking everything we can still live pretty comfortably in our house with what will be left. Though, the kiddos will be missing some of their favorite toys and stuffed animals.

So, I'm trying to be useful as the four guys load out most of my favorite things ... including toys, beds, stuffed animals, books, shoes, dishes, etc.

You guys, this is real now. We're moving to France.

PS. And check this out... six years ago TO THE DAY, we were being loaded into a moving van from New Jersey to here. Exactly to the day. Check out this past post. And here are some photos from that day.

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More Paris moving posts


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