Evidence of Early Refrigeration

I've never lived in a 115-year-old building, so I'm a total nerd when it comes to the little clues left by the original builders and owners.

For example, in our kitchen there's this nice-sized cabinet that hangs into the courtyard of the building. It's got this vintage little lock on it and sits under one of the two kitchen windows.
Windows Are Frosted in Kitchen Because the Courtyard Area isn't Pretty
When we were getting the pre-move-in walk-through, the real estate agents joked we could use this cabinet until we got our fridge delivered. Because, yes, this was early refrigeration.
A Look Inside
Maybe it's because it's winter and the weather has been freezing, but the inside of this cabinet is definitely colder than the rest of the room. The glass and ceramic items we keep in here are chilly to the touch when we pull them out. It would have been a great spot to store cheese, wine maybe, and maybe cream. I'm just guessing.

And, sure, I considered using it as a pantry, but the location is a little awkward. And our kitchen table is located in front of it the second door. So, it's being used for less-used kitchen items.

It does get my imagination churning, though. If cabinets could talk.

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