Our Guest Room Planning

We are SOOO fortunate to have a fourth bedroom in this apartment, which we'll use as a guest room. And an office. And a video game room.

Here's the space just after we moved in when it acted solely as an office. See my calendar made from shipping paper on the wall?
BEFORE: The Guest Room As Office
Before we moved, I had a plan for all of the rooms, except this one. I was pretty sure it would be a guest room, but I didn't pack any furniture specifically for it. In hindsight, I wish I did, but there just wasn't time to consider it before the movers arrived.

It took a few weeks to put together the right strategy. At first, there was talk of getting a daybed or a convertible sofa. But ultimately, we decided to make it as comfortable for guest use as possible and put a nice full-size bed in the corner. But also buy some light-weight chairs for when we don't have guests and want to use it to watch TV or play wii.

Dave went to Ikea and got some Poang (iconic and in red) chairs and a shelf to put the TV on. Most importantly, we added a rug to warm up the room a bit. (It does get nippy.) Here's the room as it currently looks...

And the view from the other window, with a look at the TV shelf (and Animal from the Muppets).

The plan is to purchase, in the very near future, a full-size bed with all the pillows and blankets to make it cozy. I'm hoping, though I'm not certain, that the desk will still fit in the corner by the window and I can still use it for office activities. But, if it doesn't, I've got a back-up plan.

More on this soon. Our first guests are coming in April, so we've got to shake a leg.

Related posts: 
Check out more Paris Apartment posts
Read more about my decorating plans
More "office" related posts


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