The Weekend Expeditions

Now that we've mostly gotten our apartment settled and our weekly routine (almost) under control, plus the weather is improving bit by bit, it's time to explore this incredible city that we live in. So on weekends, we're making an effort to get out and walk around.

The French even have a word for this wandering about, it's a verb, "flaneur." And that's the aim of these days out.

So I've started to put together a list of "off the beaten path" type places and neighborhoods that I read about or see in Instagram accounts I follow. And we try to include a restaurant, too.

This plan is only in the early phases, and we've had a rocky start. I picked a really popular restaurant one Sunday morning (in the rain) and the line was out the door! It made for some hangry/wet/cold family members. We abandoned the day altogether.

Also, the French have dedicated a day to close up shop and visit Maman for a big dinner/lunch. (You gotta love a country that prioritizes family time, right?!) But this throws a wrench in our Sunday wanderings, as we also like to explore boutiques and markets. For example, in Passy, our neighborhood, all the shops are closed. But, in some of the touristy spots -- near the Louvre, or the Galleries LaFayette (a huge department store) -- the shops stay open. We're just figuring it all out.

When we do figure it out, and we find a new neighborhood or spot, it does make for some great (Instagrammable) photos and quality family time. (Especially if there is ice cream involved.)
Walking Along the Siene

Girls Are Always Ready With a Pose!

Castle in the Marais

Flower Markets .. Everywhere!

Bulk Nuts! On Rue Cler
Lastly, have you guys heard of the Space Invader? (Here's an article in USA Today). In a nutshell (heh), he's a street artist that uses tile like pixels and creates little pieces of art on sides of buildings. Fans collect them by snapping a photo, and adding them to their Invader app.

I told the girls the story, and how there's all kinds of mystery and secrets about this artist, and now we're constantly looking up as we're wandering, looking for new ones. This one is our first, and our favorite, for obvious reasons.

Which means, of course, we're not looking down to avoid the poop. But we are learning to do both.

I'll take photos of a few more and maybe dedicate a post to what we've been finding.

OH! And, yes, I AM trying to make the locations have some educational value OR at least trying to impress upon the kids how OLD and full of history this city is. I just wish I knew more!


  1. Have you all read the little Mo Willems book Diva and Flea? Wish we could teleport and flaneur about with you.

    1. No, but I'll be looking that one up. (Wow! I can't believe there's a Mo Willems book we haven't read.) Yes, wish you could join us!!!


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