Leah's School Next Year

Leah's school is opening a new Middle School campus next Fall and I got to tour it last week. It is two buildings that were once a business complex, I believe, that are now in the final stages of converting to a school. 

Just imagine how a private school in the Paris would set up state-of-the-art classrooms and you can start to picture all the little touches of awesome inside these buildings. Standing desks, huge science labs, a sunny art room and a green screen room in the basement with the theater department. Just to start. 

I'm pea green with envy. 

The Historic Building, Science Labs are on the Lower Floors
The Newer Building and the Brick Courtyard
The Drama Classroom
The one downfall is there is very little outdoors space within this campus location. So their after lunch "park" time will be in an enclosed space instead of the large Eiffel Tower-facing park they get to hang out in now.

Leah's pretty excited about the whole thing, too. New classrooms?! Completely new building?! And a tad closer to home. It's all good to her. 

Speaking of, I am looking at opportunities to volunteer with the school, mostly so I can hang out in this new campus. But, yeah, also because I just need to get out of the house more. More on that later.

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