Camp Paris 2018

In just a few weeks, the girls will be off of school. Then, we have about three weeks of open calendar until we head back to the States.

That's three weeks!

Because I'm a little bit of a homebody, the girls and I would gladly curl up on the sofa and binge Netflix or play dolls all day long. But we're in Paris! So, I decide to be proactive and schedule out those three weeks with outings and events ... and I'm calling it Camp Paris 2018!

YES, there will be time to chill and play with toys, but we're also checking out attractions around Paris that we haven't seen yet ... such as the zoo, aquarium, a bunch of museums and a chateau or two.

I'll put the activities on a calendar, buy advance tickets, if I can, and off we go!

Plus, most events take place inside, as in we don't have air conditioning in the apartment and I'm told July gets HOT. So that's a big bonus.

Here's my current Version 1 of the Camp Paris 2018 itinerary. Who's coming to join us?

* and up, I'm continuing French lessons on Monday. And the girls get to join in. They can't wait. (heh)

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