Six Month Paris Anniversary

Today marks six months living in Paris.


It's still kind of unbelievable (pinch me and I must be dreaming) and fantastically sweet. And I feel so so so lucky to be here. Honestly, every day I say "we are so lucky."

It's also the last day of school. Ahh!

So, I walked Leah halfway to school, and dropped Alice off at her primary campus and just took a moment to digest it all. They've been growing up so fast lately. They really love their school and the friends they've made here. Again, we're so lucky for this community nestled in the west side of Paris.

Once I was ready, I hit my favorite markets in Passy and got food prepped for the all-school picnic lunch. I was hoping to manage a zero-plastic picnic, and I got really close but decided to get chips and cookies as treats for the girls. Darn treats!

Looking back at the last six months, there have been some ups and downs. It's taken me a while to get settled and comfortable. Though, I love our apartment and feel so safe and cocooned here ... in the middle of this huge city. I also got to know the markets and some of the sellers I see each week. And my French is slowly coming around. And I got interested in this plastic-free way and looking at my next five year goals. Not to mention the travel and sights we've already seen, here in Paris and aboard. It's been quite a journey!

All of this isn't news, if you've been reading the blog. I'm just trying to sum up.

The next thing is to look ahead. Now that I've got my feet under me and am comfortable with the normal day to day (yes, it takes introverts awhile) I've been trying to get out into the world a bit more. I'm looking at places where I can volunteer my time. And meeting like-minded new friends to hang out with and hit bootcamps, etc. My recent commitment to say YES to things has really helped me in that and I hope to continue that going forward.

Paris is a wonderful place to be.

Related posts:
A look back at the entire Paris move story


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