A Soapy Zero-Waste Win!

Wasting less plastic (and attempting to go close to zero-waste) in the kitchen also includes the cleaners that we use. Which, incidentally, will help rid us of a lot of the chemicals we don't actually want/need to clean with. But that's a whole other post.

For now, I finally (happy dance) found a market nearby that has a laundry and dish detergent refill station!

For the laundry detergent, the refillable bottle cost about 3€, and it looks like each refill will cost about 5€. If I'm reading the receipt correctly (which is debatable), that's LESS than what we usually spend. And I can continue to reuse that bottle! No more single-use plastic bottle. No waste!

The same goes for the dish detergent, but I haven't run out of our current supply.

These refill stations are a great solution for the problem of single-use plastic, don't you think? Imagine if we all just used the same jug again and again for detergent? And this market also had refill stations for liquor, oils and wine!

Bulk is the future, people!

Related posts:

Read more about this Less Plastic project
My Zero-Waste Ideas Pinterest board 
More ideas about Reusing stuff instead of throwing it away 


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