Let's All Celebrate Semaine du Climat

This week is Semaine du Climat in France ... or a week devoted to learning more about climate change and sustainable development. You know I'm completely on board with this!

At the girls school, they're going to be encouraging sustainable practices with a daily theme. In case you're willing to play along, here's the schedule, how they described it and my (snarky) notes:

Monday: A day without plastic straws. They'll "promote reusable metal straws as a substitute to plastic." Or, hey guys, don't use any at all?! It's a straw, humans have been drinking just fine without them for centuries.

Tuesday: A day without a plastic bottles. The school will "encourages students and staff to bring a reusable water bottle/flask to school to avoid consuming drinks in plastic bottles." Again, this really should be enforced every day.

Wednesday: A day without packaging. They'll "encourages students to bring their own containers when purchasing their meal on or off campus." Oh, good one! No snark here, this is next-level.

Thursday: A day for Sustainable Development education. "Student volunteers will be holding a bake sale to support the Sustainable Development Project (SDP) team." I desperately want in on this team! *Raises hand enthusiastically*

Friday: A day without printing. "Students and staff are encouraged to avoid printing, finding alternatives to collect and share information." This school is pretty advanced, so I'm surprised they even have to remind folks not to print.

Well, it's a good start. And it would be cool if the U.S. did something like this, too.

Semaine du Climat every week! 

Related posts:
More of my Sustainability posts.


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