Fall in Paris is Off And Running

At the beginning of September, I created a list of goals for our first Fall here in Paris (you know I love a goals list!) and here's the update.  (Post: This Fall in Paris I Will...)

I'm happy to report things are really starting to roll.

Ballerina Alice
First, I got the girls into some (not a lot) after-school activities. Alice joined a French ballet class -- as in not one person, including the teacher, speaks English. She's learning quickly.

Leah decided to join the school soccer team, after almost two years off. And now that she's taller and so much more coordinated and confident, she's so good! I'm so happy she was willing to try again -- though, I think it had more to do with the friends who are also playing.

For me, I found a yoga class, and friend, to take weekly. And a bootcamp class through another mother at school. Then, I committed to take up a weekly CrossFit class because it's something David loves and I thought we could eventually do it together.

This seemed to be the key for me: all those exercise classes have some personal/friend connection. Rika, my yoga buddy, is waiting for me each Tuesday to attend the class. And we sometimes make plans to get tea or check out the neighborhood after class.

This "exercise habit" is also part to my overall Five Year Goals -- which is one of the few goals I can fully pursue while here in Paris. So ... yay!

The American Library of Paris
is on This Street!
I also found a volunteer opportunity at the American Library of Paris. Once a week I spend four hours reshelving books, straightening shelves and generally helping out. I also listen to podcasts or music, browse the stacks and find books to borrow. It's been so rewarding and a great community for us to join while we're here. 

It's been fabulous to have a few standing appointments each week and be useful to a great organization -- an American library of all places!

Travel planning, which is also on my list, has been going pretty well. We booked Barcelona, London and Berlin for the rest of the year. But I'm also hoping to get a weekend trip into the French countryside, which we haven't done yet and hear is just delightful.

On the not-so-great-side, my plastic-free and minimalism goals are faltering a bit. I guess I've been focused on other things that I have fallen into some poor habits, especially with my marketing habits. Now that I'm in a set routine, I hope I can fix that.

One last goal I'd like to add is to have a weekly cultural event. I still have time in my schedule to pick a museum to visit or join a tour group -- there are a few opportunities through school. And if I can't squeeze it in during the week, add it for the weekend with the family. There's still so much left to explore, even after nine months of living here, that I don't want to miss out.

There you have it!

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I do love goals! 


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