Researching Food in Barcelona

We're a few weeks away from our long weekend in Barcelona and I'm so excited ... and yet I have so much more planning to do!  😬

One thing I learned from our adventure in Italy is I absolutely need a curated list of restaurants. We're not terribly picky, but we do prefer a particular type of place with a cool ambiance and fresh food. We want to try the local food (tapas in Spain) but the kids can be picky. And -- this is the big one -- we don't make good decisions when we're "hangry." It makes for some bad moments on these kinds of vacations.

To whit, I spent several hours in a google/Pinterest/tripadvisor black hole and identified a bunch of restaurants that may fit our criteria. (I'll share the list once we return.)

Then, I used my Google Maps account and flagged each restaurant I found with a green "I want to go there" pin. So when we're out and about, I can just pull up Google on my phone and locate the nearest green pin.

That's the theory, anyway.

And no one will have a meltdown on the side of the road from hunger. (We've all been there.)

In theory, anyway.

I'm also going to build in some planned restaurant stops in my itinerary. (Which, again, I'll share after the trip.) So, the afternoon we hit the beach, we'll start the adventure at Surf House... you get the idea.

Speaking of, using Google Maps is my BIG TIP for traveling with kids. As my family's "official vacation planner" I can drop pins all over place while planning the trip and easily navigate to those places while out. It allows for a little more freedom, too, because you can always get yourself where you're going without re-googling and re-inputing addresses -- when little travelers have very little patience.

Now that I've got the food research taken care of, I'm off to figure out the sights we most want to see. (Is it crazy if we skip La Sagrada Familia?) 

Related posts:
We loved our Italy adventure! See the details here.
My Spain Pinterest Board with some "must eat" places I used.


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