Electric Scooter Fan Club

We're in love with renting electric scooters off the streets -- because it's awesome, fun and the kids will go just about anywhere if we can rent a scooter.

Here in Paris, we have a few companies that maintain these scooters. We use Lime, because they seem to be everywhere. In fact, our corner seems to be a distribution point; several mornings each week, there's a half dozen scooters all powered-up and ready to go.

Because these scooters can get going pretty fast and are recommended to be used in bike lanes and streets instead of sidewalks (we use all three, depending on where we're going), you have to be over 18-years-old to use. This makes sense to me as there have been a few instances where I've zoomed across busy intersections and it helps to know street laws.

In the fall, we took the scooters across most of Paris to get to a restaurant in the St. Germaine neighborhood. We went along the river for most of the way. It didn't take us less time than the metro, but it was more scienic, a little dangerous, and a lot more fun.

Zoom zoom!


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