The Last Piece to the Master Bedroom Puzzle

Shower glass, REAL shower glass, takes time and money. Slightly more than I was expecting. And defiantly more time than I had budgeted.

So, it's three weeks after the contractor wrapped up his last tasks that the glass finally got installed.

I called two different companies and only one had the matte black metal channels I wanted to match the other finishes in the bathroom. And the prices were similar, as was the timelines: 3 week minimum. Who knew?!

First, a little stroll down memory lane with a BEFORE picture of our dingy shower. The location of the shower didn't move one bit. Width-wise, it's about the same. But it did grow longer once that huge tub was removed.
Everything in This Shower Was Plastic And You Can See the Deck of the Tub on the Right
Then the construction phase, with the half walls framed out ..

And finally the finished picture WITH the glorious glass!
Finished Shower with Glass Walls
Brighter and more modern. Hooray! 

Our favorite part of the shower was this brilliant little cubby inside the half-wall. Originally, the contractor suggested against the back wall but I didn't want to see shampoo bottles breaking up the wall o' subway tile, so I asked him to hide it behind the wall. Love it. 
The Hidden Cubby

The little corner bench is also a favorite little convenience, as well. You can see it in this picture. Just the easiest little addition and shaving my legs has never been so easy.
The Corner Bench is the BOMB! 
But wait! 

I might have lied. Because this glass isn't the LAST piece to the puzzle. Yes, it's the last thing that has a significant cost -- which is really going to help my household budgeting -- but I do have a few other things in mind.

Highest on my list is the bathtub area ...

I LOVE it, but it's missing a few things.

I've decided against curtains (too traditional). And I thought about valences for a few minutes but decided against them, too, for the same reason. However, I need as many soft and natural elements in this bathroom that I can get. The grey on white on black makes for a sterile environment. So I'm hoping I can accomplish that in this corner.

I'd love to add wicker -- it's a classic bathroom material and would add that soft I'm looking for. I went on the hunt for some budget hanging wicker globes and so far have come up empty. Amazon had this one, but with no opt-out of the light kit, it's too pricey. Ikea might have something, but I'm not planning a trip that way soon.
A Wicker Globe Pendant

I'm thinking a colorful, large mobile might be fun. And something I can DIY pretty easily, I think. Before leaving Paris I found an amazing origami shop and bought a few mobile kits that might fit the bill. I'll report back.

Same for the plant on the little table next to the tub. I'd love to add something tall, green and leafy but so far have not found anything budget-friendly. I dream about it peeking over the edge of the wall and provide a little screening and green "hello" while I'm showering.

Will post more about these two ideas as I figure out solutions. Since my bathroom budget is all gone, my options are limited but will certainly be more creative.

Related links:
More about my Master Bathroom remodel 
Other home projects


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