No Doors Jeep

Funny story...

Doors Are ON!
As soon as the weather its warm enough, Dave will take the doors off his green Jeep Wrangler and find any excuse to drive it -- it's the best day for him. BUT for me, I'm a ball of nerves! I mean, as you drive around you see the road change at your feet, there's no side rearview mirrors and no protection AT ALL in the event of an accident.

I will usually sit in the back seat (where I won't fall out), close my eyes and hope for the best. It's crazy that that's even legal!

So, this August while we were in Hawaii, we saw a lot of Jeeps everywhere we went. And one day we say a white, four-door Jeep Wrangler with ALL the doors off ... except for the passenger side door. Sure enough, Dad was driving, kids were in the back and MOM (we assume) was sitting safely behind a car door. The only one left on.


She is my people.

Related links:
The Hawaii Adventure Details


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