The Bookcase Update

The office is really coming together!

Once the wall was clear and open, I was trying hard to picture how I wanted to assemble the book shelves. Because I need bookshelves here, but I don't want to weight down the space like it was before.

I narrowed down to two options (based on all the pretty pictures I've looked at on Pinterest, Instagram and HGTV) ... Option 1) three shelves going almost wall to wall, or 2) two sets of three shelves and a piece of art in the middle.

Here's the thing about making these big design decisions: you need to take time to research and find something that feels right. There's a gut feeling about these things. BUT the important thing is to not let it stagnate and go stale.

Trust your gut. If there's a happy feeling inside, that's the right decision.

So I mocked up the two options and posted it on Instagram Stories and took a quick poll. And this option won by 5:1.

Next step is sourcing the brackets, which is the only item I was planning to spend money on. I had the light fixture, the art and the paint. So the brackets is my big ticket item.

I researched Etsy and Amazon, along with some favorite DIY sites for the best brackets that looked right for the room. And was on my budget.

Next up ... ordering those brackets, finding the shelf wood and painting the wall. It's getting excited. 

Related links:
See the ugly bookcase I remove -- and it was controversial


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