Curly Willow to Pearly Cotton in the Master Bedroom

I'm not saying the willow color on the walls of my master bedroom was a mistake, it just didn't go the way I thought I would. So this week, I'm fixing it.

Let's rewind. In 2015, we had professional painters come and paint the two-story walls from awful beige to "polar bear" (by Behr) white (see that post)! While here, I got a quote for the master bedroom and a year later they came back to change the original dirty, mint green to blue. Here's the post and a very dark picture of the walls.

Yup, I love painting walls but I was working a lot and the room is huge, so I didn't think I could get it done in a weekend. I hired it out. Go me!

The walls in the master have an angled part, so I used this dark beige-y brown color called "curly willow" to match with the duvet cover and wheat-color headboard. But when I saw it, I knew I went the wrong direction.

So, for the past three years, I've been looking at it and kinda liking it. But plotting to fix it when the time came.

Color was the big question. My first plan was to just paint the angle the same pretty color as the walls called "everard blue" (see my blue post), but I thought it would "close in" the room. Then I was going to paint it white ... but the color looked weird next to the ceiling and matched the trim color. Is that angle trim? No, I think not.

I finally decided on a soft, creamy white called Pearly Cotton from Magnolia Home that's different enough from the ceiling and still makes sense with the dark beige accents in the room.

Unfortunately, painting this odd angle means moving some furniture and climbing up and down the ladder a whole bunch of times. But I'm hoping once I'm done, I'll be extra happy with the results and the replacement of a color I didn't totally love.

Wish me luck!

Related links:
The story behind this lovely blue color
The Family room's transformation from beige to white 
All the Paint Project posts


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