The Evolution of Alice's Room

Alice's bedroom in our house is a work in progress. Mainly due to her growing up so much in the last eight years of living here. She was a preschooler when we moved in, to now being almost a preteen. And her bedroom has grown up along with her.

When we first moved in, I painted Alice's walls yellow and pink. (2012 post here.) Two colors she helped me pick out, though it was mostly me. She had two dressers, a play table and there were toys everywhere. We even had bunk beds in here for a while. At 3-years-old through 6, she spent a lot of time in there. She still does.

Then, we decided to "grow up" a little and paint her room a lovely lavender. A color she wanted nothing to do with -- but I insisted because the walls looked dirty and needed a more tranquil palette. (Here's that 2016 post.) We found her a pretty white daybed on Wayfair (similar bed) and I DIY'ed a little canopy to hang above it. Her play table changed into a normal-sized Ikea desk for all her creative projects.

This is what it looked like before we left for Paris. And we took most of this furniture with us. (See her Paris bedroom here.)

When we returned the now-worldly 11-year-old decided she wanted to grow up her room even more. She switched to the full-size bed (from our guest room) and picked a pretty, spring green color for the walls. (Here's that post from March.)

Alice wanted hang-out spaces for when friends were over. We moved in her great-grandmother's antique sofa, and this cool macrame hanging chair found on eBay that I just hung last week.

But apparently, we're not quite there yet. Alice would like to go all in on this VSCO trend (look it up, it's a thing) which is basically California laid-back, boho meets hippie and is super minimal. This is her inspiration pictures ...

She's spends a lot of time on Pinterest like (she's MY kid, afterall) and has been begging to paint the walls white to match the cool, simple look of this room. Luckily, I LOVE painting walls, so I'm not hard to convince.

So, here's the final product ...

I might get her a pink blanket or duvet cover to match the bed in the inspiration picture, but I think we got pretty close to the end result, without spending lots of money.

And the best part ... she's really PROUD to show off her bedroom.   :)

Related posts:
Look at our sweet bunk beds
2016 battle for lavender in Alice's room
Painting the walls lavender


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