Bunk Bed Are Back!

Rise up!

Clearly I Didn't Get a Chance to Make Them Up for This Picture

These are the bunk bed that I had as a kid. Carol and I would take turns sleeping on the top and bottom. I usually got stuck on the bottom, which I eventually decided was okay because if the house flooded, I'd be the first one to know and could escape faster. Carol would likely float away.

Our favorite game at the LaSalle Ave house was running from the crocodiles that swam out of our closet. And the bunks made for good sailing out on the open seas. This was also the bed frame we threw Liza against. (Sorry, little sister!)

It's been a decade, at least, since these beds have been bunked. And here they are, ready for the next generation to discover new games. Though, they are a bit lower than I remember. Could the bunks be shrinking?!

Alice was worried at first, but excited once she saw them in her room. A few practice climbs up the ladder gave her enough confidence to want to sleep ON THE TOP bunk the first night. And every night since.

Leah spent a few nights on the bottom. But she soon realized it was the inferior position and went back to her own bed.

I'm planning to refinish them this spring. The white paint, a much later addition, is chipping off. In my childhood, they were a dark-stained wood. I'm tempted to bring that back. But I'm also considering a bright green or yellow. Something will inspire me, no doubt.


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