Shades of Gray?

Paint Chips
It started with a dozen chips in the wall.

Well, actually it started with Liza's suggestion to go gray in the living and dining room.

Then, it was collecting a dozen chips from all the usual places. Then, taping them to the wall, in different corners to see what how the light hits each shade and which match Mr. Darcy and Ms. Lizzie (the sofas). 

The Benjamin Moore shades were my favorite, so I got a few quarts and have made some tests on my wall.

My goal is to go "GRAY" and not bluish-gray. I don't want anything too dark but I don't want to go do light -- too light that I can't tell.

No matter what, it will be a heckuvalot better than the blah Beige.   

Which Gray? Darker or Lighter?


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