'The Heights' Audiobook Review

Audiobook: The Heights by Peter Hedges
Ready by: Peter Hedges, Amy Ryan and Alison Pill
Genre: Lit

I have had this book in my To Read pile (on my Kindle) for the last year. I've been a fan of Peter Hedges since What's Eating Gilbert Grape, so I'm usually looking out for what he's doing next.

I don't often read "adult" lit. I usually find it too melodramatic and predictable. And, I found that to be true of this book, as well.

Tim and Kate are no different than a lot of people I know, but they're just so stupid, they can't see what they have. And when they do have an enlightened moment about the good in their lives, they're completely OK with chucking it all for someone in skinny jeans and an expensive haircut. It's likely why I hardly read about people in my own demographic -- we're stupid. Anyway, this book goes along just as you'd expect it. And ends they way you'd think.

And, yes, I did yell at the characters from the driver's seat. Tim mostly. What an idiot.

On the plus side, I really enjoyed Alison Pill reading crazy Bea's chapters. Her intensity (she's completely obsessed with Tim) really captured her unhinged-ness. Amy Ryan was pretty great, too.

Grade: Yellow Light


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