'The Difference' Audiobook Review

Audiobook: The Difference by Jean Chatzky
Read by: Jean Chatzky
Genre: Self Help

Perky and smart, I've seen Jean Chatzky on the Today Show a bunch of times but I'd never bought her books. But, I could use some financial tips and, sure, I'd like to be a millionaire, so I pulled this one off the shelf. I figured, if even 1/4 of this information gets through my thick, numbers-deficient brain, it would be a win.

What I got was some good advice not all about money.

The Difference, Jean states in her clear, positive voice, isn't about being born with a trust fund or knowing your way around Wall Street (although those things certainly help), it's a state of mind. Your attitude. She sent a questionnaire to a bunch of people, including millionaires, and mined some common themes.

Interestingly, luck plays no part in financial wealth. In fact, Jean found the more you believed in luck, the less likely you were to be rich. Rich people believe they had some luck, yes, but earned what they have. Wealthy folks also sleep less.

So I didn't learn all there is about saving and spending money, but I liked the advice I got and thinking about my financial future during my commutes wasn't a bad use of time.

Grade: Greenlight


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