And Then the World Turned Upside Down

I have so many thoughts about this pandemic and all the scary uncertainty rolling around everywhere. I worry for my family and my loved ones and my coworkers, but I'm also filled with some certainty that we're all going to be safe. And, someday soon, we'll share stories about what we did during these days/weeks we were isolated at home.

Work From Home!
I'm also fascinated by the sociology of this and what kind of mark it will leave on our culture. Big changes come from being uncomfortable, from uncertainty, from a massive crisis. That's true for us individually and as a civilization. So this is all so fascinating from that point of view.

There's just so much swirling it will be weeks until we can really understand it all and see the big picture.

Until then...
We're all home. Dave and I are working from home. The kids are getting e-learning assignments and keeping busy. And Bruce the pup is confused that we haven't all left him to his day-long siesta.

And I love my home and I'm so grateful it's big enough that we can all have alone time and then all congregate together, too. I'm so grateful for the treadmill we bought over Christmas so we can all get exercise without feeling compelled to go to the CrossFit gym -- as much as it pains some of us.

Speaking of home, we've taken this opportunity to make some new furniture choices that we've been too busy to sit down and discuss. I finally settled on a new kitchen table and console for the dining room -- two items I've been hunting for since before we lived in Paris. Being confined in our space has made us really evaluate what's important and make decisions.

The New Console For the Dining Room
So we're all here, doing our best, and it's just a matter of time until we experience cabin fever and go totally crazy.

To be honest, I was already experiencing a little stir-craziness before all this happened -- and so looking forward to our Spring Break trip to the Bahamas. We're supposed to leave on Sunday but with every passing day it's looking less and less likely we'll be able to go -- for many reason. Of course the resort and airlines are being very accommodating, we're just reluctant to make a decision to not go.

Missing out on travel is a pretty big deal to this family that loves to travel so much. Oh well. Safety first.

So, we'll just go forward through each day as best we can. We'll look out for each other and our neighbors. We'll try to keep an ear on the news, but not let it overwhelm us. We'll eat good dinners, have a glass of wine and watch movies. And go out when we need, for as long as we can. And find the joy in what we have around us. There's plenty to be grateful for and can bring a smile to our face.

Stay calm, stay well and carry on!


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