Big Art in the Living Room

Well I'm home and staring down the spaces in my house that need some attention. So now is the TIME.

Let's start with our living room/dining room. I'd love to paint the gray color but I think that would fray David's already shaking state of mind. So, I'm considering all the walls and what's on them. It's never a bad idea to shuffle up wall art.

This wall in particular has been unsolvable since we returned from Paris. It was mainly just filled with a random assortment of framed pictures and art. First step, clear the wall.

Second step, that corner table isn't working. What goes into the corner between two sofas? I always thought it was a table. But maybe a book shelf? For this time, I don't want to order any new furniture. So I came up with a good solution... I bolstered up the table using bed pedestals I had in my garage.

Suddenly it's taller and looks like it may belong there. And no one will ever notice the black plastic pedestals that are holding the table up higher.

Then, there was the minor project of filling and painting over all the holes in the wall. That alone is a huge improvement.

When we rearranged the family room, moving the TV above the fireplace, I had to find a new home for the HUGE Juniper shop print. BAM!

It fixes the issue of having YET another gallery wall of random pictures again. One BIG MASSIVE image that is the right scheme for this gray and muted room.

This is as close as I'm going to get to complete for this weekend. This living room is also being used as the school room, so the girls have made a mess of the sofas. But you get the idea. Major improvement with NO money spent.



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