Powder Room Work

It's hard for me not to think about home improvements and DIY while we're all home for this quarantine. With work-from-home, school work, house work and puppy ... there's already a lot going on. But I'd feel like we're wasting the opportunity if we don't do some work around the house.

So let's talk about the powder room. Last year, I did a quick update by adding some art ledges, removable wallpaper and a rug. Minor changes but made a big change. Here's what it looked like:

Honestly, I think the phone camera makes that color look so much deeper and richer than it actually is.

Anyway, I loath the sink and that faucet, especially. And Dave has been dreaming about updating the toilet. And the paint color needed to be darker. So I reached out to our contractor, Mick, to see if he'd be open to doing a few minor projects, as long as we stayed far far away. One was in the garage (more on that later) and then swapping out the pieces in this bathroom, which is right off the garage.

He was open to it. So I ordered items from Home Depot and picked them up at customer service. And they've been sitting in my garage for when Mick can make it over.

I picked a dark moody color Benjamin Moore - Dragonfly and taught ourselves how to SHIPLAP the bottom half of the wall.

More details coming!


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