Weekend at Camp

Liza and Eric invited us to spend the weekend at their camp in the Berkshires. We spent as much time possible in the secluded lake -- swimming, paddling around in the boats and jumping off "the Blob." I even came out of retirement to run around on the soccer field; which taught me an painful lesson that though your head remembers what to do with a soccer ball, your body might not want to go along anymore.

Kickboard skills in the lake!

The camp starts in full force next year and I'm already jealous of those girls. Soccer, swimming, canoeing and hanging out at the dining hall. Just a few years and Leah will be one of them!

In our continuing quest to declutter, we donated a box of DVDs for movie nights, games and books. My goal is to donate enough books were I get a plaque: Library Made Possible By the Generous Donation of Jessica." But, I have to give up a few hundred more books for that to happen, I think. It's a goal.

Now we're back at the house and I'm feeling stressed. I've got to get the house on the market this week. Get a photographer in here to take photos and the landscape guys to clean up my backyard. And I've got a little girl starting KINDERGARTEN on Wednesday. Lots going on.


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