It's Pink! And Yellow!

With the paperwork complete and the house finally all ours, it was time to put some paint on the walls.

I started with Alice's room, because she has the most furniture and a comforter set that is staying. Also, it's a pretty easy room with lots of straight walls.

I pushed for the color yellow, because I don't have anywhere else in the house to put it and I just love cheerful yellow walls. When asked, the three-year-old wanted pink, pink, pink! "It's my favorite color!" she said. 

Normally, I'm not a pink fan. The hue is either too peach or too red -- and reminds me of PeptoBismo on the walls. However, given that Alice is my baby and in a few years she'll be old and sophisticated and will probably want grey or maroon on her walls, I decided to take this opportunity to celebrate her little girl-ness. And nothing is more little girl than pink. 

So, we compromised. Pink on the accent wall with the big window and yellow on the other three. (In case you're wondering: Benjamin Moore "delicate rose" and "morning sunshine.")  

I DO love painting. I love picking colors, moving furniture, taping up the walls and painting. I love that a room is blah in the morning and amazing after only a few hours. And there's no better feeling than pulling off that blue tape at the end of a job. Than rearranging the furniture, hanging shelves and art and making the room look all-around spectacular. 

One day. Huge gratification. And you look at the results everyday. 

People say wall color has an effect on your mood -- whether your conscious of it or not. I think that's true.

Hopefully, not only will the colors commemorate her little girl-ness, it will also influence her to wake up cheerful and happy every morning. (Heh!)  



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