Winter Break Getaway

We got away for a week over Winter Break to celebrate Christmas with my family -- an annual extravaganza.

This year we got a new edition to the family -- a baby boy Harper. So we all flew to him. 

I'm not bragging but I got to hold him six times and he often farted on me. So, I'm that auntie. 

Me and Baby Nephew

We also got time at the beach and a heated pool, but unfortunately the weather was unusually cold for SoCal, so not as much beach as I'd hoped. I was ready for my first surf lesson -- but not if it meant teeth-rattling chills afterwards. Not that it bothered the girls. We also got out for a hike along the coast. And soo much playtime with all the cousins. Loved it.  

Five Cousins! 

The Girls at the Beach


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