The Fish Quilt for Lonnie

With every new quilt I create, I focus on learning something new -- as well as continue working on all the other techniques that are hard and baffling. Quilting is hard, no doubt!

Fish Quilt for Lon
This week, I'm making a quilt for Dave's sweet cousin Sophie and her brand-new baby boy Lonnie. She said her nursery is under-the-sea themed, so I quickly found a fat quarter of fish and coordinating fabrics from my own collection -- and got down to work.

I'm improving on the stitch-in-the-ditch quilting, a part I really enjoy the most. And the binding is getting better. But with this quilt I really tried to get the mitered corners correct. I ended up scoring 50% -- two corners came out perfectly. The other two I sewed to the blanket and had to redo. Seam-ripper to the rescue!

I even had some leftover fabric to make a quick pennant to string over the crib. And I might get a little pillow out of it, too. Why not use up all that cute fishy fabric?

The goal is to get this in the mail by the weekend. And then start on the next quilt for the other new baby boy in our lives. Maybe I'll score higher on those dreaded corners.

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