These Terrible Old Windows

The workers are here installing the new windows. It's cold but sunny this morning. I've offered coffee but they're down to work. They're speedy.

While we watch and watch for new efficient windows, here are a few BEFORE pictures. Note the girls have been using dry-erase markers to decorate their windows.

Alice's Naked Windows

Just In Case You Thought I Was Exaggerating, Here's the Crack Around Alice's Window

The Patio Doors - The Wood Trim Never Matched Anything Else in the House

Leah's Window. Many of The Windows Closed with This Efficiency, Which Is to Say, Open a Crack

Leah's Corner Windows
Also of note, poor Benny is beside himself with anxiety. The noise of the saw and the men walking around is giving him frequent heart attacks.

Related posts:
Here's all the New Window posts
Other home improvement projects


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