Hey Look, It's Victorian Me!

I love this time of year because of all the cyber sales. There's just nothing I like more than saving a large percentage off ... and FREE SHIPPING. And this time of year, my inbox is FULL of emails with all kinds of enticing offers. Yours too, right?

This is a great opportunity to shop for holidays, obviously, but also for MYSELF! There's usually a few things that I've been drooling over on some shopping site and I'm just waiting for the right excuse to get it. Sometimes, if it's not terribly expensive, I just need a stressful day and a new paycheck to make the purchase. OR, a really get offer.

So, on the art.com website, I've been in love with this print for months. And thanks to their robust advertising, every time I'd visit it, it would follow me around to different site as a leave-behind ad. I'd be haunted by it for the whole day. (You've seen this type of marketing, especially if you use Zappos. You look a shoes. Leave the site. Search Google and the ad on the page shows the EXACT shoes you were looking at. Ahh, the joy of technology and browser cookies! Don't worry, it forgets after a time.) 

Anyway, so blessed Cyber Monday and art.com has 60% off and FREE SHIPPING. Like a glorious light from the heavens I see the perfect opportunity to snag this print and get a pretty good frame to go with it. And it arrived DAYS after I ordered it. And I jumped for joy. No buyers remorse here.

"Girl Reading" by Alfred Stevens
Is it obvious why I love it?! It's the Victorian era ME! She's reading, there's knitting next to her. And I swear I tried on a wedding dress that looked just like that and loved it. Here's link to the sit for a better view.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to me!

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