Birthday Celebration with Guster

I love birthdays and even though this year I'm on my last year before 40, I still want to celebrate and tell random strangers. That's just who I am.

So, on Friday after being serenaded by the girls and working all day, it was time to head downtown Chicago for the night. My little brother and his girlfriend drove in from Minneapolis to see the show with the hubby and I. 

We've been going to Guster concerts since collage and they're one of my favorite bands to see live. The venue was great and the guys played a good mix of old and new stuff. We all had a great time singing and dancing to some of our favorite songs. Dave had sent a tweet to Guster about it being my birthday and wanting to hear Parachute -- my favorite song. And I was hoping/anticipating a shout-out through the entire show. But, there was none. Still a fantastic show. 

Afterwards, we went across the street for karaoke and a few more drinks. The DJ was fantastic and it was one of the best bar experiences I've had. Ever.

Happy Birthday to me! 


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