Out With the Old and In With the New

We finally got delivery on the new sofa last week. Hooray!

After 10 years of service, it was time to wave goodbye to this old lumpy friend.

I changed diapers on that chaise, and snuggled babies and watched hours of movies with my growing family here. We ate ice cream. And Alice memorably vomited electric blue Tylenol on one of the cushions. (It cleaned off pretty well.) This sofa was a pretty big deal when we purchased it from Room & Board in SoHo ... our first major, non-Ikea sofa.

The Family Room with the Sofa Pushed Back
The new sofa is firm and velvety-soft. We'll enjoy the job of breaking it in. It's a little taller and a smidgen longer than the old one, too. The ottoman has blanket storage. (!!) We're calling it Teddy. 

New Sofa In Its Place
Happy ending ... I had put the old sofa up on Craigs List with a very honest ad. "Well-Loved, Lumpy Sofa for Sale!" And I even got a few emails of interest, but nothing panned out. So I made space in the guest room for the sofa part. There's a TV in that room with the Wii hooked up, so that now can be a "chill" kids room when no guests are staying over.

And the chaise part found a home in our bedroom under the window and looks like it was purchased to fit there.

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