A Second Career?

Recently, I got a linkedin update from an old coworker of mine. He did a crazy career 180 -- going from music business executive in NYC to a social worker in LA. Not overnight, obviously, he'd quit and gone back to school for this new career years ago, but you get the idea.

When I moved out to Illinois, I thought about going back to school to pursue a completely different career path. I was feeling burnt out with what I've been doing for years. And the move would provide a fresh start.

But, I didn't. I kept coming up with excuses. The hassle of the schedule. The financial repercussions. The kids, oh what would happen to the kids?! And, the biggest, I wasn't really sure what I'd want to pursue anyway. What am I more passionate about -- career-wise?

But seeing this guy do it (and he's older than me and has younger kids), even just from the very very very outside, has started that string of thought again. Is there a second career path out there that I'd want to pursue? I assume social work is something of a passion with him. What's mine?

When is it too late to pursue it?


Somewhere, a blank notebook is about to be used for some serious brainstorming.

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