The Clothes They Wear

Leah as a two-year-old was especially outspoken about what she wanted to wear each morning. So early on in this mothering-thing I decided one thing for certain: I was not going to argue over clothes. As long as it was weather-appropriate, so be it. Pick your battles, moms, and this is one bridge I wasn't going to die on.

Besides, clothes are a form of self-expression. So why curb it if she was so insistent on choosing?

Because of this, I am often amused by the outfits they pull together. Alice's outfit today was a doozy. Long sweater shirt, non-matching skirt, knee-high socks (because it's chilly today), a polka-dot sweater two-sizes too small and red shoes.

The Whole Look

Knee-High Socks with Inside Out Characters
Totally adorable.

Brief aside: I do break this rule on trips, because I pack for them. And when they ask me to help them decide what to wear -- which Leah almost never does. Of course. 


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