My Thoughts on Weddings ...

Brides Are So Pretty
Remember when summers were spent at friends' weddings? In lieu of vacations, you'd take weekend trips to wedding destinations, get dressed up and dance with all your friends. Really, it was a pretty great way to spend your summer weekends.

Then, you get into your late 30s and find no weddings on your calendar for a full year or more. That's just how these things go, I guess. We went to a wedding last fall in New Jersey, and that was the first one in about a year.

My brother, who is in his late 20s, has seven weddings this summer. Seven. And it got me thinking about weddings in general.

First of all, if I had had Pinterest or Instagram before my own wedding 11 years ago, things would have gone down a lot differently. I am completely jealous of all those lucky brides planning their own weddings with access to that brain trust of ideas. Not to mention TinyPrints and Etsy (where were you when I needed you!?) I mean, you girls have no excuses for a phenomenal/memorable/personal wedding event. Seriously.

Second, I recently read about a bride who choose passages to read at her ceremony -- not from religious texts or tired romantic poetry -- from contemporary books. Like romantic bits from Harry Potter or Twilight (ugh, no!) or other fun novels that mean something to the couple. I really like that idea and wished I'd thought of it. We used quotes from favorite-lovey songs on our program but this would have been better. And more in keeping with my book-nerdery.

Last, I recently found a quote I jotted down about weddings from New Girl.
Jess: "Why does everybody get to have a party for everything in their life? Why can't I have a party for really dedicating myself to knitting this summer?"
That quote still makes me giggle.

Then, when I researched the quote to make sure I had it right, I found the rest of the conversation. It gets funnier.
Schmidt: "God, I hate that you knit. I hate everything about it."
Jess: "Why?"
Schmidt: "It makes me angry and scared at the same time, just like when I hear the phrase, 'Academy Award-winner Anna Paquin.'"
Such a silly show with great dialogue.

Ok. Here ends my ramblings about summer weddings. Go enjoy!

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