A New Shelf in the Dining Room

Before: Old Buffet
Furniture gets moved around in my house. Quite often, in fact. It's a hobby.

But sometimes, moving things around makes me feel like a decorating GENIUS. And I do a cartwheel.

So, I bought a new shelf from Crate & Barrel (doesn't it always start with that...). It was 50% off, so I HAD to buy it. I had been crushing on it in the catalog for months, so there was no choice. Click!

I wasn't exactly sure where I'd want it. I had three spots in mind when I clicked "purchase" and was just going to see what it looked like when it arrived.

Dave built it on the day before Father's Day, because he's really awesome. It's HEAVY, just so you know. But we tried it in two spots and the second spot is where is now lives. (See, I didn't even ask him to haul it up the stairs, which was a possibility, because I'm a kind wifey.)

Pushing the old buffet out of the dining room was the key. The height and open shelving adds more light to the room. Giving the massive table the room's focal point. Grey, white and navy chevron -- I mean, it's too easy.

Then, the glass-front cabinet -- another recent Crate & Barrel buy -- got pushed to the other wall with the open shelving. I'm still mulling over removing the bottom shelf and pushing the cabinet below the shelving, but that's for another day. Installing those shelves was no small project.

New Shelves, Mostly Styled... Kinda

The Other Wall - Featuring the World Map From Above the Piano
and Growing Plant from the Living Room
Remember when we painted the dining room gray?


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