Shopping at the NYC Holiday Markets

While we were in New York City on Monday, we hit two of the fabulous holiday markets; Bryant Park and Union Square. Of course the girls found EVERYTHING they've EVER WANTED EVER and asked for everything. And, of course, we said no about 200 times. And we asked for cards from some of the shops we liked, in case we changed our minds after we got home.

For those not able to get to New York City this holiday season, here's our favorites:

No Chewing Allowed - insanely-good truffles. We got a few boxes for teacher holiday gifts. One box *might not make it* to the holidays. ;)

Hazel's Village - adorable handmade dollies with matching outfits. Leah loved the little green frog.

Pop Chart Lab - an art shop that sells creative and hip charts, such as the Charted Sandwich or a cool diagram of Broadway costumes.

Whoops! - a colorful and lovely macaron shop. We tasted the dark chocolate, strawberry milkshake, pumpkin and raspberry. Yum!

Three Blue Birds - I had seen these colorful Swedish dishcloths in Seattle and they really caught my eye. Hooray for beautiful and reusable things!

We also found a shop that sold stuffed lamas made from alpaca fur ... just about the softest thing we've ever felt. But they don't have an online shop yet. And the lamas were $55!

Happy shopping!


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