More Broken Bed Projects - Blackboards

And it continues!

So these two boards held-up the mattress on the trundle part of Leah's bed. They're heavy but a very smooth white finish, so obviously I thought two blackboards.

Here they are set up for painting. I made a white boarder by taping out around the edges.

Step One: Paint Prep
Next, I painted two coats of chalkboard paint. And YES! I used up the last of the chalkboard paint pint I bought several years ago.

Step Two: Chalkboard Paint. Pro Tip: Paint Chalkboard Paint on Thick.
And then they were done! I've got a few ideas where I'll place them. They're SUPER HEAVY so I'm opting NOT to hang them, and to just find strategic places to lean them against a wall.

Finished Blackboards!
The point is, more bed pieces that didn't get tossed out. And they're cute and useful. I've got two more projects to go until I've probably hit the end of what I can successfully up-cycle.

Related posts:
Leah's bed died, here's how
More Reuse projects


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