The Fox on the Wall

I've been meaning to play around with this clever idea ever since I saw it scrolling through Pinterest, so today I gave it a go: The Mounted Fox Wall Art Concept Version 1.

Have you seen these stuffed heads all over Target and other stores? They're super cute. But kinda creepy. Unless you're totally comfortable with hunting and taxidermy, do you really want an animal head on your wall? Maybe. Anyway, I thought the idea would be more meaningful with an already-loved toy. A way to "memorialize" a beloved thing from childhood.

This fox is NOT a beloved thing, by the way. It was the first thing I pulled out of the toy box that fit the circle. And a fun place to start.

So, I started with one of those little pine plaques you can find at Micheal's. I can't remember the original intent of this plaque when I purchased it years ago. Maybe a handprint?

Step 1: Mark the Holes
I placed the fox toy (which is actually a tree ornament from Target), and made two circle marks tight on both sides of his neck. Then, I drilled two holes just big enough to feed some string through. 

Step 2: Drill the Holes
Once I had the holes, I had a good idea where to place the small D-ring that I'll use to hang it on the wall. 

Step 3: Make and Install the D-Ring.
Last, I tied that little guy snug to the wood and knotted the string in the back. Viola!

Last, Tie the Fox On And You're Done!
I'm thinking my next attempt should have a charming little nameplate. Or maybe I'll paint/stain the plaque for added style. Stay tuned!

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My other "craft" projects posts


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