Paperwork and Dogs - Paris Friday Update

Paperwork - In the Details
This week is all about paperwork. We need to have all kinds of documents at the ready for our visit to the French consulate next week to apply for our resident visas -- called "Salarié détaché ICT (famille)." These will allow us to get an apartment rental in Paris, and legally live there for the duration of our stay.

We've gotten some help, of course, but I can't help but think this is probably a deterrent to a lot of people who think about working abroad. It's a lot of scrutiny, standing in lines, not to mention the language barrier -- these forms don't come in English.

I think I have just about everything I need ... all that I have left to gather is passport pictures of all four of us.

So Long Dogs
Speaking of, so yes, it will just be the four of us making the move to Paris. We've talked to a few folks and they all recommended NOT bringing the dogs.

Why? Mostly because there's a quarantine period for animals moving from country to country, meaning they sit in an office for a few weeks until the government is sure they are not sick. What we've heard is some dogs don't make it out "the same."

At 8 year-old, it doesn't make sense to attempt this with Benny. And Lando, who might make it through because he's young, would then have to deal with living in a small Paris apartment with no backyard. Not to mention, we want to travel liberally and that would be more difficult/costly if we had an animal to care for.

I've initiated the hunt for new homes for both of them, starting with our friend group and moving out from there. It would be wonderful if we got to hear some news about them from time to time, but not necessary. Mostly, I just want them to find good homes.

More Paris news next week!

Related posts: 
The Paris Move
All my Travel stories


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