In the Summer When It Sizzles

We've lived in Paris through some of the coldest temperatures ... and now some of the hottest!

This weekend it hit 90 and we were all feeling a little melted. We spent the morning at a fountain in a public park, until the crowds (and heat exhaustion) chased us home.

And back home, there's a whole mess of strategies behind keeping the apartment cool without air conditioning, which is a rare amenity in these old building. Finding the right combination of fans, keeping out the hot sun with aluminum shutters, turning off lights, not using the oven and finding a cross-breeze is all mixed in.

Sometimes we'll just open up the window and hope a pigeon doesn't pay a visit. Bonjour!

Frozen grapes, ice lollies and smoothie drinks also help keep us feeling cool.

I can't complain, since I was begging for warm weather when the temperature dipped below freezing and I was a walking icicle on treks back from the market. (Though, I didn't have to worry about the yogurt spoiling.)

I now understand the lyrics to that old song about Paris. "I love Paris in the springtime, I love pParis in the fall. I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles. I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles!"

Ok. I'm ready for my "summer weather in Paris" achievement patch to go along with my "winter weather" patch. Thanks!

Related Post:
Paris in the SNOW!
My rant about winter in Paris and the DRIZZLE!


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