Poop, Smokers and Drizzle

We’re in our fourth week as Parisians and I can tell you there are three things we're all trying really hard to get used to: Poop, smokers and all this rain!

Paris Dogs
First, the poop … Paris dog owners (of which there are a lot) do not clean up after their dogs. It's gross. On any walk we're all quick to point out different sizes, shapes, colors and locations. "Don't step there!" "Watch out for that one!" "Ew! What are they feeding that dog?!" We had dogs, and it's really not that difficult to pick it up. But here, little poo bombs are just everywhere.

Speaking of gross, smokers! Ugh! It’s Europe so we knew smoking was going to be an issue, but it’s still so nasty. You can’t walk into a bistro without passing the patrons smoking on outside chairs, drinking their espressos and talking dramatically with friends. Not appetizing. The smokers stand outside shops and metro stations. They walk along the street puffing away. Pushing strollers, even. Blah.

The girls hate it. They’ve taken to audibly coughing if we’re behind someone and saying “gross” -- and honestly, I’m totally fine with it. I keep wondering: do the people of France know smoking is very bad for their health? Have they gotten that news here? Is anything being done to dissuade them? If my girls making choking noises behind them as they puff away makes them rethink their choices, than so be it. We'll be the annoying Americans in that situation, no problem.

Rain and Bare Trees
Last, this is the first time we’ve been in Paris during the winter and there’s just one word to describe it … drizzly. The sun might peek out every few days, but on the whole, it’s cloudy, grey and drizzling. Sometimes it rains, and sometimes it’s just humid. But, for most of the day, it's wet. And for most of the locals, they just get on with their day. Playgrounds are still packed in the drizzle, streets are still jammed. It's just winter.

The Seine River, however, has flooded and the whole city is at the bridges taking pictures, sharing video and talking about the streets and parks that are underwater. We're far enough from the river not to be impacted by the water, but it certainly is A LOT of rain.

On the bright side, being used to sub-zero-windchill winters in midwest, I'm not going to complain about the comfortable 46 degree days here. Especially since we walk everywhere. There have only been a few days I was freezing. But most days I'm downgrading to spring jackets and warm scarves.

So there you have it. I think we can put up with these three annoying things given all the numerous benefits and advantages of being here.

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