After a week in a rental house in Florida for Christmas, and now a temporary apartment in Paris, we're feeling like a vagabond family. And we've got another week to go before we're settled into our permanent place.
On the one hand, it feels pretty good to be free of all our own stuff. Most of it is on a boat right now heading across the Atlantic. On the other hand, we don't have any rain gear and it's been drizzling in Paris since we landed. And we all miss our own pillows.
Le sigh.
Our temp apartment is in the 6th district, it's large and comfortable and filled with interesting art, large trees, and antique furniture. We're trying to keep the kids from breaking something. It's a struggle.
We're suburbanites, so we're all adjusting to living in a city -- the lights, the noises, the walking, the stairs. I pity the people in the apartment below ours. Really. (Me: "Stop jumping!") But the views are pretty and the neighborhood is full of little treasures we're just starting to discover.
The View of the Tree, Huge Windows, And the Sofa |
Kiddos Playing In Their Jammies |
Fireplaces Are Everywhere, Of Course |
The Kitchen. Small But Bright. |
Entry Hall |
Alice Moved Right In! |
I'm in love with the three large trees that dominate the living and dining rooms. They're amazing. I'm less excited about the construction site across the street, which woke me up this morning with drilling and alarms.
We've got a bunch of errands and to-dos to take care of before the girls start school (backpacks and lunch boxes) and before we move into our permanent place. We're keeping busy.
More later!
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