New Home - Our Current Status

The View From Alice's Window
We're almost there.

When we moved in last Monday night, we were surrounded by boxes, the kitchen had new appliances except for the oven, which is disconnected and sitting on the floor, and our internet wasn't hooked up. There was no hot water yet (something with the furnace/boiler not resetting) and only a few lights.  The bedrooms were completely dark. It felt like camping indoors.

We did discover this ... somehow, unbeknown to any of us, our apartment has Eiffel Tour views. Seriously.

I nearly fainted.

Over the last week we got the hot water fixed (and all took showers!). Our internet was connected (Netflix, hooray!) and we've been filling the kitchen with food staples.

We hit Ikea on Saturday for Leah's dresser, some rugs, room lighting, and other necessities. And I even got an Amazon order! Which is exciting because I do love my Amazon.

What's left? Getting that oven installed. And installing the chandeliers in the hallway and dining room. And hanging the curtains in the bedrooms, too. It would be bright in the morning, but it's been raining for the last week, so no sun to worry about. Yet. We are getting a new thermostat soon. We can control the heat from the furnace, but we can't program or fine-tune.

And there's probably a dozen other things that will pop-up in the next week.

The Dining Room. No Light in Here Yet, So Not Used at Dinner

Is That the Sun?! A Window in the Salon
We're making plans for our fourth bedroom, which is our guest room/office/video gaming room. Currently, it's only a few tables and my sewing supplies but we'd like to make it cozy for guests and when Dave needs a place to hide.

It's feeling like home.

Related posts:
More about our Paris move


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