Our Slow First Week in Paris

Today marks one week in Paris! Cue the trumpets!

So ... what have we been doing here for the last week? Well, not a lot. You guys, it's still winter break and the kids are home and "bored." And we're in a temporary apartment. So, any semblence of a daily routine is not even possible.

Also, we're still combating "sleeping in a new time zone" syndrome. Which has some of us staying up way later than usual ... and some of us (me) sleeping until 10am! We're not groggy or sleep-deprived during the day, we're just all struggling to get to sleep or to stay asleep through the night.

Not to mention, we're all suburbanites, so these city and apartment noises take some getting used to. The kids are doing better than we thought with all the little noises, the creaking floors and the upstairs neighbors. Though, it's cutting into all of our uninterupted sleep.

In some way, our days are spent doing what we'd be doing in Illinois: going to playgrounds with the girls, watching movies, running out for groceries and other household needs. And hitting restuarants for dinner or lunch. It's winter here too, so it's chilly and it's been drizzling off and on since we arrived.

But, we're also in a new place, so we're exploring the nieghborhood, going on adventures like seeing the Eiffel Tower and using the Metro -- and getting out for walks to culivate our "city legs."

We're also looking for movie theaters that play "VO" or Voice Original movies, but we've discovered some films haven't made it here yet.

We'd love to be setting up "home" but since we're in our temporary place -- and I'm not keen to add more items to our eventual migration into our permenant place -- we're doing a lot more research than actual purchasing. We did get a Brita, so we have filter water and a Nespresso coffee maker.

So, one week in and we're moving slowly, which is probably a good way for us to transition into a new city. Next week, when school starts and we start moving into our apartment, life will get busy and hopefully we'll be well-rested, acclimatized and ready to welcome to faster pace.

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