Planning Hallway Improvement Take 1

Option 1 for the upstairs hallway is the built-in desk along the wall. By purchasing a countertop and laying it across two cabinets or drawers I'd have a quick, long desk. And by adding some trim and paint, I could get a custom built-in look. (See the Before picture.)

Here's some inspiration from Pinterest (search "built-in desk diy"):

Built-Ins Aspirations
Here's my quick little layout of the plan...

Looking through some sites for materials, Ikea seems like the obvious spot. The countertops there are inexpensive and we can match the pine that's all over the house. For $139, that's a total win.

And base cabinets are around $250 and come in variety of colors, but once I got the color combinations right it would definitely give me a more professional look. Maybe a white front?

Or I could think outside the box a little and find two nice cabinets to anchor the sides. This one from Ikea is a good option and the white would go with the pine counter on top. (Note the budget savings!)
Ikea Brusali Cabinet in White
OR ...  I could find a nice office-type cabinet. This one has wheels on it but could easily be replaced ... or, better yet, covered with trim so it looks built in. Ah!

Wayfair Arobas 3-Drawer Cabinet

Just so many choices.

Though, the negative is my budget and time is low. Very low. I have other project to tackle around the house, so I'm worried about cost.

Option 2 is up next ....

Related posts:
The Upstairs Hallway BEFORE pic
My Pinterest Home Decor board


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