The Upstairs Hallway Gets a Plan

This green hallway is at the top of the stairs and is between the girls' bedrooms. It's a hallway we walk through everyday and everyday I roll my eyes at the lack of order and function.

I love to store books here and the kids' masterpieces on this little DIY art hanger (here's how to make it). But, otherwise, this space is a disaster. My own little pit of despair and it's slowly driving me crazy. Even from Paris.

The plan for our first full week at home is getting cleaned up for all our upcoming visitors and this is one spot I really want to focus on.

First, I want to repaint. White, probably.

Second, I want to find a plan for this space that includes built-ins, so it looks really clean and on-purpose. Not a storage area for random things.

I have two options I've been thinking about a lot.

Option 1: Do a built-in desk along this wall. Coincidently, the original plans for this house includes a desk in this space but the original builders opted out of the feature. Can you just imagine the kids doing homework up here? See this post for the desk details.

Option 2: Do a built-in cabinet and shelf that goes to the ceiling. I could never get enough shelf space for books -- and some cabinets to store blankets and other guest and kids' stuff would be very welcome. (See this post for the option 2 details.)

I'm brainstorming these options in the next few posts, so you'll see the details of what I'm thinking before we declare a winner.

Ideally, I would be DONE by Friday, so time is a-wasting ...

Related posts: 
See more of this hallway project
More Home Project posts


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